
Dear you….

Today I decided to just write a real letter for my Thursday email group.

So that’s what I am sharing with you.

Hope it blesses them and you today, wherever you are <3

As we sit here in the middle of the month of May, I am aware of how busy life can be in the transition between spring and summer.

For young families the school year is winding down. Kids lost interests in learning around Easter break, if I remember correctly…and we are now in a full swing of concerts, finals, field trips, awards programs, recitals and summer ball practice/games have already begun.

Yard work has begun and we are out reconnecting with neighbors we haven’t seen since the leaves turned color back in October.

There are weddings and graduations and anniversaries and Mothers/Fathers Day looms with a fine mix of emotions for all of us.


Many are entering for themselves, or are walking a loved one through; a health issue with too many unknowns to even plan what summer might look like, let alone the rest of the year.

Some are struggling through the challenges that come when life is beginning in less than ideal ways …. and the often natural, but no less painful, ends that inevitably come when our aging family require special care.

Then there are those who are abounding in a great season right now. Life is good. The calendar is as jam-packed as the pool bag waiting by the door and you are hustling and bustling and loving every minute of it.

Excited plans are being worked out…and you are literally walking on sunshine…pinching yourself to make sure all this “happy” is really happening.

Or you may be a mix of all of it and everything in between.

In the midst of it all. In the middle of the every day. In the heights of joy abounding and in the depths of deepest sorrow…God is with you. He is.

He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you.

It is easy to “feel” blessed when all is going well.

But in the darkest of times, when by faith we say….

“It IS well with my soul”…

THIS is the blessing of God.

My friend, whatever your life looks like today…right at this moment…I can assure you…IN CHRIST…it IS well…with your soul.

May you know and experience His love and joy and peace down deep in your heart today <3

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