
Expecting the unexpected


Cactus in a teapot Taken at the Hummingbird Cafe San Juan Capistrano CA
Cactus in a teapot
Taken at the Hummingbird Cafe San Juan Capistrano CA

My meditation this morning centered around Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana.

You know the story, yes? Jesus and his mother and several disciples are attending a wedding celebration and the wine runs out. Mary comes to Jesus and tells him he needs to do something. And so he has the servants fill empty vessels with plain water and then dip some out and it is wine. Not just any wine, but wine that is so outstanding that the “master of the feast” comments on it to the bridegroom. He says this is most unusual to save the best wine for later in the celebration. (John 2:1-12)

Well, yes it was very unusual considering it started out as water.

There are other times that Jesus seems to turn things upside down – like the tables in the Temple; or turning the other cheek; or forgiving sins when someone was asking to be able to walk.

Jesus just did the unexpected.

Is this what sets us apart?

When circumstances are out of control, do we remain calm and trusting?

When we are treated wrongly and unfairly, do we refuse retaliation and seek instead to bless our persecutor?

When we have little, do we give everything?

Do our reactions reflect the norm or are they as different as a cactus in a teapot?

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