I Want to be That Person
I finished the book of Isaiah this morning. The final passages are marked with much ink and tears. God speaks to His beloved and I am, thankfully, globbed on to the family. A branch grafted in. Undeserving. Born outside His chosen people. Now I belong.
“But here is something I’m looking for: a person simple and plain, reverently responsive to what I say.” Isaiah 66:2 The Message
One life; one simple, plain life, offered to You. Responsive to what You are doing in this world. Responsive to Your interests.
So many needs and tasks to be done when I look around. But when I look up; only one. To serve You faithfully each day.
One simple and plain heart; dedicated, consecrated, set apart to You, the One and Only God.
Thank you for being obedient in sharing your life and how God speaks to you. I am blessed by your writings!
Thanks for this blog and sharing what God is putting on your heart!