
Jeepers Creepers….where’d you get those peepers???



there are quite a few things I do not care for about getting older.

But one I just get tickled about is reading glasses.

Whether it is my own dear husband peering over the top of his to tell me something as he reads the paper or my girlfriends digging theirs out at the restaurant to figure out the menu; I think they are all just adorable.

I don’t even mind putting mine on to read my devotions in the morning or to double check the fine print on a bank statement.

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But the one thing about them is…they are never where you thought you left them.

So I keep a large print bible of my dad’s upstairs in one of the bedrooms in case I need to look up a verse and can’t find those cheaters.

However this morning, I did have my readers on when I pulled out that particular Bible and wowzer…that large print was REALLY magnified.


And that’s what it means to magnify the Name of the Lord…it is to make it bigger and bigger…as in make it Jumbo and then Supersize it.

Magnify – Increase – Expand …every day…the words and promises and instructions He has given to us.

Enlarge His character and His reputation in the way you live and the words you speak.

Whatever takes first place in your heart, in your life, in your mind…whatever grabs the most attention and takes up the most space….this is what you worship.

Oh magnify the LORD with me…


and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3 NASB

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