
Making room for….


Russ and I are taking the plunge and have committed to a little remodel of our kitchen.
We had the guy we want to do the work come out and take measurements and write up plans and do what people who are skilled in this area do. This week I met him at the place where he will order the new cabinets.If you asked me if I had any questions before I went to the meeting, I would have told you no.

Because I don’t know enough about product, construction, options to even ask questions.

Thankfully the contractor and the cabinet guy know their stuff. Because as they worked around the amazingly accurate graphics of the our kitchen on a computer screen, they showed me options and possibilities and ideas.

And from that, I had a basis to start asking questions.

As they shared their knowledge, I was able to develop understanding and from my understanding, I could figure out what I knew and what I needed to know.

There are 24 churches in the area that are offering believers in Christ and unbelievers to gather together and discuss this thing called “faith”. For the next 6 weeks our church along with a network of churches in central Illinois will be exploring a series called Room for Doubt.

By opening up God’s word and the doors of our churches, we are inviting everyone to come and explore some key questions about Christianity.

It’s a somewhat daunting endeavor for those of us who say we are followers of the teachings of Christ. Because…hello…we are disciples who have learned that this walk of faith is a process. And we know that we are far from having it all together or figured out. And we know that we have feet that are prone to wander and trip.

But we have hearts that desire to stay the course.

And we have faith in the One who can keep us on the path.

We know we don’t have all the answers.

In fact, we have questions ourselves.

We do not proclaim to know all the answers, but we do proclaim Christ as THE ANSWER.

And we proclaim that HE can be known.

God has blessed us with fellow travelers along the journey with whom we can discuss and work through our doubts and questions. He has provided guidance and teaching through the Holy Spirt. And He offers Himself as our mediator through Jesus Christ.

As iron sharpens iron…let us discuss the things of faith together and learn from each other as we study God’s Word. Let us not be afraid to discuss our doubts and questions. Let us have hearts that are open and receptive to listen for answers.

 For more information on Room for Doubt, visit their website at roomfordoubt.com.
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