
Nothing fancy or profound or even controversial…just a little love to end the week <3

There is big stuff going on here in the U. S. of A. today…big stuff all around the world.

So just for a few minutes here on the journey, let me share a little bit of sweetness to lighten your heart…I hope…and make you smile and think of something tender before you head out there into the crazy.

Because yesterday I spent the day with this crew…

and while we snacked and played and waited for mommy to get home on a rainy day, Lola suggested we cut out hearts and make Valentines.

They were not convinced I could manufacture a heart with pen and paper, but sure enough I worked my magic and soon we had hearts and Valentines were happening.

Graham started drawing his own and as he worked…

he whispered….

I want to make a Valentine for everyone in the whole world.

And when your grandson says THAT …

you just gulp back some tears and say…

Great idea, baby…. go for it <3

It may take him a bit longer than he thinks and he also will most likely run out of steam before he gets everybody’s finished…

but hey, isn’t it the thought that counts?

So just remember whatever goes down in your world today, yesterday a little fellow armed with a marker, a pair of scissors and a God-shaped heart was thinking he would like to send you a Valentine.

Have a blessed weekend.

You are loved


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