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One Journey’s End <3

IMG_8827So part of this whole Journey Onward thing is that somehow I started sending an email that now goes to about 100 people, write a blog that is read by…I have no idea how few or many…and have increased my exposure to ….. gulp….Facebook level…

All on the premise that somehow God uses my quirky life and viewpoint to encourage some people.

Or make you laugh.

Or at the very least think better of your own self and life knowing you aren’t me….

But it also means being genuine and real in sharing this journey.

On March 17th I wrote a post about We are Family.

I said that as a community of believers we share the joys and sorrows of life.

So this week, I sent my Thursday email out a few days early because we have a sorrow, and ultimately a joy, to share that is so much a part of us right now that to not include you seems almost like deception.

Russ’s dear mom, D. Margaret Reimer, went Home on Sunday evening to be with our Lord.

Healed and whole.

Free of pain.

Those blue eyes and that sweet smile are looking on the face of the One she longed to see.

And He most assuredly is smiling back as He declares….

“Well done! Good and faithful servant!”

She was the physical embodiment of the Love Chapter….1 Corinthians 13

Mom was….patient and kind…she did not boast or envy….she loved unconditionally and kept no record of wrong….she did not delight in evil but rejoiced in the truth.

She always protected….

always trusted….

always hoped…

always persevered.

She welcomed this blonde mess of a college student into her heart as a daughter the moment she realized her youngest son had fallen in love; and she modeled to me what it is to be a godly wife and mother and grandmother.

We rejoice to know where she is and we grieve her absence among us.

Thank you for your kindness and love expressed to our family.

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  1. Laura, It is such a bittersweet sorrow! The loss is all ours! We are sad for ourselves and our family!They are in the presence of our Lord and Savior! I think of those we have lost and the day of their earthly death as their forever birthday!! Sending much love and prayers your way!!

  2. The hardest part of life,seems to be death! In reality,our death becomes our brightest moment.. Our god is a wonderful protector of of all things good.he makes it easy to be a faithful servant! Love your posts,keep it up!

    1. Yes, so very true. As we go through this process of losing people we love, it really does make what Christ did for us even more precious. To think He died, experienced death, so that we would not have to…amazing love! Thank you and God bless you for your words of encouragement

  3. im so sorry for your loss, yet give praise she is whole and restored. Please share our sympathy with Russ and your family.

    1. I will Susan and thank you so much. Yes, we have had such sorrow seeing her decline in health. It is a blessing to know she is restored, healed and whole…but sigh…the part about not having her with us…so hard <3

  4. May the awesomeness of our Lord and Savior be with Russ, You and your families as you praise this moment in time.

    1. Thank you dear friend to our family <3
      I know you all have walked this as well and understand. God bless you and your sweet Kim <3

  5. I had not heard this sad news, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how old we are it’s always painful to lose a parent.

    1. Thank you. It truly is a blessing. She has been in a lot of pain the last few years and unable to walk recently…just declining and in and out of hospital. She truly was the best mom/mother-in-law – and it was hard on all to see her suffer. You are so right tho, never easy to lose a parent and some have lost so theirs so much younger than us. Bless you <3

  6. So sorry for your and Russ’ loss but knowing she is celebrating with our Lord is a comfort to us all. God bless.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes it is a great comfort to know where she is and truly to know her suffering has come to an end. She is with my mom and dad now…waiting for the rest of us! Hallelujah!

  7. Laura, so sorry to hear the loss of Russ’s mother. I will keep you, Russ, and the family in my prayers. Your post is so touching and sincere. You have a special and talented way of putting God’s teachings in your blogs. I look forward every day to read your blog. I’m just so sorry to read of Russ’s mother passing away. It’s really difficult losing a parent, as you know, but knowing they are in heaven and we will see them again some day is comforting, and the good memories they leave behind.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, to know they are in heaven is a great relief and we will one day be together is very comforting. It is a strange feeling to know that your parent is not somewhere on planet earth…but we were blessed to have her for these many years.
      Will share your thoughts with Russ. Thank you <3

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