
Open letter to my class <3

Hello and happy Thursday!

I am officially ready for Fall even though it is not legitimately official until September 22nd.


I am kind of legalist about seasons and I go strictly by months, not weather or equinoxes or harvest or any other measure.

September through November is Fall.


And speaking of this unbending nature…I need to address this whole letter to the faithful group of people that forego extra sleep on Sunday morning to sit in hard back chairs and listen to me yammer for 30 plus minutes.

I have had your sweet, wide-eyed faces on my teary mind all week.

Because hours after we all went our separate ways last Sunday morning, I sat around our kitchen table with three brave souls who sat amongst you there held hostage by my teaching earlier in the day.

And on your behalf, a very courageous member of our family…

not Russ mind you, for he knows better than to rush in where angels fear to tread….

no…our precious visiting-from-Minnesota sister-in-law Sonja asked me about an awkward moment of silence when I was trying to evoke an answer about the visitation of angels to Abraham and Sarah …

and where they were going after their visit….

and no one … no one….knew the answer.

Or at least would offer it.

Turns out….in all my yakking…there was confusion and at least three people…those around our kitchen table…all thought I meant where were Abraham and Sarah….

no…no…I meant the angels…where were the angels going.

So basically, I was absolutely and unapologetically stunned when no one knew the answer to my question, but it turns out I had completely confused them with the way I worded it.


No small amount of personal chagrin and self-chastisement followed that little revelation.

However, the Lord graciously reminded me as I beat myself up for the millionth time picturing  the absolutely most precious faces of my dearly loved Under Construction Class racking their sweet brains to try and come up with an answer…

I am a flawed and imperfect person who happens to be willing to dig through some material every week and show up.

And He is the real and present Teacher.


And it’s ok when I blow it.

Because His strength is always…always….ALWAYS… made perfect in my imperfect weakness.

And believe me…He has a LOT of material to work with there….

As the Under Construction class gives a hearty AMEN!!!!

So I guess I would say…whatever you do today for the Lord…just show up.

Just do your best and trust Him with your imperfections.

Love those who He has placed around you and love them so much that when you mess up big time, you weep buckets over those dearly loved faces.

Entrust them to the Lord and know that He has them.

Blessings on each of you today. You are loved and you are precious <3

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