Rainy days and Fridays….
Somehow the rain that has been in the forecast this week and never showed up decided to do its thing as I was walking the several blocks to work.
So thankful for the investment in the gigando umbrella back in soccer watching days of our son’s high school.
Because it never rains in the midwest unless the wind kicks up.
And then there was the train at the intersection a block away from where I park….that just sat on the track…stopping traffic in all four directions because the track intersects the block on a diagonal….leaving the intersection completely free of train and full of cars that tentatively began running red lights since the train was NOT budging….
And all of this to say that while it says its Friday, I am pretty sure Friday should feel a lot more fun than sitting in wet shoes and watching steam rise out on the pavement….
What’s your Friday like?
I hope there are some smiles and extra special things going on for you <3
Be blessed and find your JOY in the Son <3