
Second Sunday of Advent 2016 <3


I hear the songs written so many years ago…

centuries some of them…

one tells of…

how the bells tolled on Christmas Day declaring peace on earth…

but there was no peace…

about how hate was strong and mocked the song.

And how they then rang louder with the promises…

echoing ancient words penned on scrolls…

words God breathed into the authors to write the assurance…

the reassurance needed then and now.

He is not dead…

He does not sleep….

He will come some day to make all things right…

and that He only tarries now because of mercy.

Does He see?

Oh yes.

He sees.

And yet…

with great restraint He holds back judgment…




until all have had the chance to come into the fold <3

So we…

who love Him…


and watch…

and pray.

Longing for the Day of His appearing…

and yet…

sharing His heart of mercy <3

Participating in His sorrow for the lost.

Rejoicing in the joy of His salvation.

Singing with the multitudes…

Holy Holy Holy is the Lamb

Who takes away the sin of the world

Worthy is the Lamb of God

Praise Him


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