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Sky Writing and such…

Russ and I were blessed to spend a few days in Florida this week for work purposes, but we are not complaining.

Every day I hope to see God in everything, but this is a special prayer when traveling. I am such a homebody and yet I do love the experiences that come with being on the road…whether by land or air, I always ask God to “show up” and surprise us in unexpected places….

He has not disappointed us. IMG_0459As we exited the airport, Russ saw a plane forming letters…


right over our head….


and the message was completed as we exited to our hotel…

Any doubts?

J E S U S       L O V E S     U

He does, He does…and in case we forgot, He made sure it was right there in front of ME so I could remind YOU…I mean…U….

Have a blessed day as you walk in the truth of His love poured out for us, into us and through us <3


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