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Spring Fever is getting real <3


Hey all! 

I have Spring Fever in the worst way and almost left the house in a light jacket, but checked the weather and wowzer!! 35 degrees…we aren’t there yet, my friends! But soon!!

This morning my devotion included a passage that was our benediction every Sunday for sooooo many years at First Christian. 

I well remember the first Sunday sitting there in a new church wondering if this was where God was going to place us and hearing these words fall over me. 

At that time I had walked with Jesus over three decades and yet I had never really grasped what Grace is. 

FCC is where God finally broke through a whole lot of lies in my head that I wasn’t good enough to deserve salvation with the TRUTH that…well…I am not good enough to deserve salvation. No one does and that’s the point.

Because that’s what Grace is…it’s giving me what I don’t deserve while Jesus took what I did. 

So I share those precious words that I waited for with anticipation every Sunday to hear spoken over me and over our young family…

From the tiniest of books in the Bible, Jude, come these amazing words:

Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you to stand in the presence of His glory, without blemish and with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen

Jude 24

This is what a perfectionist, balance-challenged, flawed and prone to melancholy, stability craving person like me needs.

I bet you could use those words today as much as I do. 

Bless you

They are your promise too <3 

Hugs, Laura 

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  1. We too at HopeUC have a benediction read over us and we join in speaking it as well, makes me feel I am ready to face the week ahead, I have sat under the teaching of the word, now go and be who I (God), planned you to be. Bless you Laura, I love your daily posts. Lynette.

    1. I am so glad you visit each day. Thank you <3 I love a benediction spoken over us. In Africa we saw the older people always touch the head of children when they greet them. The child or youth bows the head and the older person places a hand on that head. A blessing. How we could learn from that <3

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