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And suddenly it is March <3


I have a childhood school memory of an early elementary teacher who introduced me to the concept of March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb. Or vice versa…and this year it appears to be coming in like a lamb from the looks of the sun streaming through our windows.

A year ago, it came in with who cares because we were all realizing quite quickly how the world can change in a sneeze and we would see how life as we know it can end quite abruptly and stay that way for far longer than we ever could have imagined.

So as we enter March of 2021, I am reminiscing in my heart about this past year of lockdowns, shut downs, shelter in place, masks, virtual everything and so many new normals it is sometimes difficult to remember which old normal we are even referring to.


I am so thankful you stop by here from time to time and listen to what is on my heart. One of my goals was to develop a monthly email for subscribers, but since managing to get people to sign up for email is not my spiritual gift and yet somehow people end of up finding their way to the Journey…I am thinking the first of the month post may take the place of what I thought a newsletter would be.

So here is a look ahead and glance back for the start of a new month and we shall see how this goes for us <3

First I want to share some “finds” in the area of reading and study with you:


First offering is this sweet book that I purchased on a sale table YEARS ago and as I am cleaning through books, I selected it to read at the start of the year and I loved it.

Jill was born in England and was a small child during WW II. The book is about her faith journey told through the relationships with women in her life who shaped who she became.

It was such a sweet reminder of the importance of intergenerational relationships and each one of us showing up in the lives of people God places in our pathway. To be genuine and authentic in our faith life so that we connect in ways that matter with other women.

I know I have a few male readers and God bless you – you are so precious to me – but unless you want to get some deeper insight into your wives and daughters, this one may not speak to you.

But hold on…because….

Foundations by Ruth Chou Simons and Troy Simons, Harvest House Publishers 2019

This one is for everyone.

It is written as a “family devotional guide” but definitely can be done by couples, individuals, singles…what have you.

Each of the twelve chapters has five days of devotional material. The days are short and easy to get through with reading and then offering a couple of questions and a focus verse that get you thinking about how you are holding to a particular foundation of our faith.

I have used these with the band of brothers and we have already had some good discussions.

Ruth and Troy have six boys ranging from aged 7 to young adult. She shares a weekly 20 minute real-talk on Instagram under her name or Facebook under her ministry GraceLaced.

I have found this to be a wonderful place to establish my Lenten devotional for 2021. It will, of course, take more than the season but such a good way to reconnect to the basics of faith.

and then we have…


the ones I am either working on currently or hope to get started on for March.

This is a very ambitious stack for me. I am the s.l.o.w.e.s.t. reader on the planet.

I also tend to fall asleep reading which doesn’t help.

But I am not giving up.

The Elijah one is an online Bible study I am doing but figured I would add it for accountability.

So there are my plans for reading for March.

Here is a tip I am finding. I am an underliner and margin note taker, and once I write in a book I feel I need to keep it.

With overflowing book shelves and an urge to purge, I am approaching reading these days like this. I keep a notebook handy and I jot down thoughts that jump out, if I start having to write too much – I know it’s a keeper and I go back to journaling in the pages as I write.

If I get to the end and have not made a mark, I pray for someone to pass it along to and I don a blue evening dress, shake out my hair and sing a chorus of “Let it Go”….


So there we have the brain portion of the plan for March.

For the heart portion, we have St. Patrick’s day shenanigans to look forward to…


because you all know I love the Irish.

And we will continue to pull spiritual focus back to preparing our hearts for Easter celebration.


and this is a rather momentous week here in the Reimer household, which we will be visiting at the end of the week.

So for this today…

Happy Monday!

Happy March!

You are loved <3

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  1. Love your varied reading interests. FYI: I’ve read all of the Jan Karon books, save the last 2, and see some Pastor Wayne in Father Tim!

    1. Well…you know his wife and one of our dear friends got me my first Jan Karon book last fall and I loved it so much. So for Christmas they got me another. It is just fun to read about people and reminds me of when I was young and just loved reading for the sheer joy of using my imagination to follow a story! Thanks for sharing – made me smile <3

  2. one question. where did you photograph the 3 crosses? the most important part of this one for sure, and of course, lovely Laura posing with the Frozen picture, too cute! I agree. We have forgotten what normal really was, sad but true! it all reminds me that we took “normal” for granted. Nobody I ever talk to thinks there is anything normal about today—but—–I remind them. Not true at all. God is normal, always the same ,never-ending, always there, always loving and reminding us of our job to keep the Faith and to let others know and show others that we do! You are doing that, God Bless. Peace–and more summer-like days! Marjorie

    1. Love your thoughts – so sharing them with others because I found them encouraging. The photo…I don’t remember. I feel we were with family at some event up in Minnesota and I looked up through the trees and saw that and thought it was so perfect. Many years ago <3

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