
Stuff God does…

As we started the Finding Your Way Back to God series last weekend, the material offers a challenge prayer that basically says,

“God if You are real, show yourself to me.”


At this point in my life, I can’t really pray that prayer with a straight face…

because I hear God saying…

“Really Laura?”

He and I have crossed a line at some point where…

I know that I know…

He is real.

I can’t explain it and it doesn’t mean I get it all right…

or understand it all…

but I know that He is real…

more real than anything else.


But I do struggle sometimes seeing Him IN the circumstances of my life and so I offered our class this challenge as an alternative…

which basically says…

“Father God, I know that You are real. I know that You are good and righteous and that you are always with me, but right now I don’t see You in the midst of my circumstances so I ask You to reveal Yourself to me in a way that I can understand.”

I don’t know how He is answering that prayer for others who may be praying it,

but for me yesterday ….

it looked a little like this…






Absolutely not

Following some inner nudging, I pulled in Aldi’s after work and errands and here these were.

Only God would know what a delight this fall twist on one of my main food groups would mean to me <3

AND then….

After I got home, and ate what was possibly more than one serving size of that treat…

a bit of weariness had set in,

and yet,

I felt this prodding that I should take a walk.

I had a lot of good reasons physically and emotionally to not go for a walk,

but somehow I felt pressed to do it …

so I did…

and as I passed one of the open fields near our home…

these three…


I am not calling this a miracle, but God knows how much I love to catch a glimpse of deer and these three stood like this the entire time I passed by.

Not even getting skittish as I pulled up my phone and took pictures.

Not even as I whispered the line of the song that is so precious to my heart in times of private worship…

As the deer panteth for the water…

so my soul longeth after Thee…

You alone are my heart’s desire…

and I long to worship Thee <3

And honestly, that would have been enough…

but He doesn’t stop with “enough”…

because as I rounded the bend by the lake…


And later I looked at my Instagram and found this post by our daughter…



which was sweet and precious in and of itself.

But then God goes above and beyond and this morning….



He knows I love stuff like this.

Now I realize that none of this might be how He would talk to you, but that’s the point.

He made each one of us uniquely and individually and wired us so completely different that He knows the exact combination of all that delights us ….

because He, Himself, is our Delight <3

May God bless you wherever you are on the journey…

If you need to know that He is real..oh my…don’t wait another moment…ask Him to open your eyes to see Him and know Him.

And if you know Him, but can not see Him in your circumstances today…take Him at His Word…

He will show Himself to you, His child, in ways you can understand and comprehend and KNOW His love for you <3



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    1. aww…well…that is pretty precious territory so I pray I always do that with only the utmost care and integrity <3

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