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The Journey for June <3

We are on baby watch, as I mentioned yesterday.

That lovely time where every day has a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C,D,E…

or as I like to call it…

since I am a high-performance, perfectionist, procrastinating blonde with possible adult ADHD tendencies…

the Perfect Storm.

My stress level is about 15 on a scale of 1-10 because I am always running in the back of my mind all the details of covering all the bases if I get the call in the next fifteen minutes….


I have been thinking about this little corner of the Internet where you and I stop to have a chat five mornings a week and to be honest…

I don’t like having you show up and me not be here.

I have been praying for how to handle the busier days…some kind of something that I know I can put up here in case you check in and I have checked out.

And God has answered that prayer!

I love how He does that.

You probably know, if you read this regularly, that I am a groupie for Grace Covenant Church where our son John attends in Austin.

He told me on Monday that the new sermon series offered an opportunity for a daily application and invited me to participate.

Well….Yes, please!

Since we will be doing this every day, I plan to use some of my thoughts from this journey on the blog…as needed…during the month of June.

I also reserve the right to share random thoughts that have nothing to do with the series as those pop up and, of course, you will be treated to pictures…I am sure…as events unfold around the family…so it will be up for grabs who and what shows up for the month.

I just kinda hope YOU show up <3

If you want to be a part of it in a more personal way, I invite you to take a June stroll through Proverbs with us!

To get you started –

Here is the first sermon:  http://grace360.org/th_gallery/proverbs/

And here are the basics of the commitment as noted in the sermon:

  1. Read a chapter a day from Proverbs (note that this series will end on July 4 for this group so if you want to be on same page to end on the Fourth, you need to get bizzzzeeeeyyyyy ….or you can work at your own pace)
  2. Choose a verse or a sentence to commit to memory.
  3. Translate it in a way that you can understand (you can use another Bible translation or as Pastor Matt suggests, write in your own words what it means to you) and attach a story or visual image to it
  4. Write it on post-it’s or notecards and put it everywhere so you keep seeing it throughout the day
  5. Learn and live – have your eyes open to see this Scripture you have chosen to memorize lived out in your own life and as you view life going on around you

To get you motivated, here is mine from yesterday:

Item #1: I read Proverbs 2

Item #2: Prayed for a verse to focus on and was attracted to verses 4 and 5.

If you seek for wisdom as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

Item #3: I lose things all the time.

I am forever looking for my phone, the matching earring to the one I just stuck in my ear, a shirt to go with the pants I am wearing, the double fuel points coupon for Kroger on the weekends…you name it…I am often on the hunt for missing items.

So that’s my story and my translation:

If I will look and hunt for wisdom the way I do for a lost earring that means a lot to me, I will not only FIND wisdom, I will have a greater and more complete understanding of the fear and awe of the LORD – and as a bonus…I will know Him more.

Item #4: I wrote it out on a notepad and had it visible throughout the day

Item #5: As predicted, I spent a good portion of the day looking for misplaced items. And every time I was mid-search, the Lord called to mind this passage and I would just pray…Lord…I want to find YOU …. your wisdom about life and living so much more than this thing I am trying to find.

So that’s the intro to this…that way when you come across a day with just the Proverb part you will know what is going on …

I hope.

Sure would love to have you join me – and remember….always enter any invitation to study God’s word and to get in your heart by asking Him how He would like to make it work for YOU!

God bless you all and I will see you tomorrow <3


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