
The process of receiving


I am slowly, slowly, slowly learning the process of receiving.

Oh, I have no problem receiving the obviously good things. I can see a “blessing” a mile away and can definitely throw up my hands, shout out in a loud voice that startles all around me,  jump up and down and in general embarrass relatives who are not even present to witness the scene I am making.

My problem is receiving ALL things, as they are, from His hand.

To call ALL things a blessing, from the HAND that broke bread and then Body. Who poured wine and then spilled Blood.

To lift all that I am handed by His Hand and to say, thank You Lord. To know that what He has allowed has purpose and has not spoiled His Plan.

This is a lesson I am in the early stages of learning.

Today the meditation for Lent (free printable from Ann Voskamp/Holyexperience) suggests the exercise of accepting whatever cup is passed to me and as she puts it, “drink it all down”with THANKSGIVING.

I gulp as I write it. I gulp as I say it.

And then I think of Him who instituted the Lord’s Supper to a group that would abandon Him, betray Him, fail Him in the hours to come and yet, He communed with them.

What a blessing to be invited to His table today!

Suddenly there is no hesitation.

My life is no longer my own and so yes! I receive what His Hand will give ….



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