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Traveling Light…

IMG_9377I am notorious for overpacking.

First there is just the basic’s for hair and face; which doubles if I am staying more than one night and a shampoo will be required.

Then there is the issue of the appropriate shoes to go with the clothes, and the added insurance of figuring in an extra outfit or two in case of spilled coffee (it happens), change of plans or unexpected weather patterns.

Then there are accessories, comforts, snacks…well…let’s just say I may be in some small way responsible for the new baggage charges.

The first time we went to Kenya, I waaaaaaaay overpacked…and I found out that all I needed were a couple of skirts…a clean t shirt for each day…2010 09 05_0420a sweater or two…

2010 09 08_0261and a hat to keep the sun off…IMG_3578oh…and flip flops…IMG_3630When I have gone on a mission trip, life is pared down to the essentials…dress decently and appropriately and get moving each day. Not much time to fuss on checking yourself in the mirror…on account of…no mirrors…

Sometimes it is easy to forget that I am on mission back here at home.

Distractions of abundance can pull me away from being concerned about reaching people for Christ. Trying to figure out what I am going to wear; checking out what others are wearing and maintaining and replenishing all this can completely sidetrack me from what I am supposed to be wardrobing myself in each and every day…

Things like…

Put on the full armor of God..for our struggle is not against flesh and blood...the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God            Ephesians 6:10-17

Put on the new nature…tenderhearted mercy, kindness, patience, gentleness and humility, and above all…..love                                                                  Colossians 3:10,12 and 14

And most importantly….Christ Himself….

But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh.         Romans 13:14

So let’s get dressed and get going…we have a lot to do <3

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    1. thank you Teresa – you have done a fair amount of traveling yourself lately =0)
      love keeping up with your adventures!

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