
Waiting, waiting, waiting….

I took a road trip Mother’s Day. John came home for the weekend and Russ treated me to a car ride back with him and air fare home on Tuesday.

When I wasn’t spending time with our sweet, now gainfully employed son, I was ….


waiting for him to get off work…..

Monday, the mall worked out as a nice diversion.

Tuesday, I made myself useful by taking his car in to have routine work done.

IMG_0615Then I went back to the hotel and waited for him to be able to leave for lunch.

He took me to the airport, where I ………


waited for my flight….

So much of life is waiting.

Waiting for appointments. Waiting for events. Waiting for God’s timing.

Waiting for this one thing to happen so we can wait for the next that follows.

We occupy our time and are glad when it passes quickly.

But life is the moments in the waiting. Life is what is going on while we wait.

Are you waiting for something? Live in the waiting. It will come to pass and all those moments leading up to it matter <3

PS I didn’t insert the pictures backwards….I had enough time waiting that I finished the square at the car dealership, and started a new one at the airport…..oh! and I do always recommend a good cup of coffee while you wait



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