Are we there yet?
When we drive to St. Louis….or Tulsa…..or even the short one hour drive north, there are stretches of road that just seem long. And boring. And seem to literally take forever. Like you drive and drive and drive….and you still have too far to go.
And sometimes life is like that.
Seasons that just drag on and on.
You have been praying and waiting and trusting and battling. Your knees are sore and your feet go to sleep under you. It seems there are more varicose veins pooling at your ankle than answers from the time spent folded up in prayer.
It’s not that you are far from God, and you know that you know that He is not far from you. But the wait is long and wearing.
I am in such a season.
Some of the prayers I am praying have dates that go back 7 years and one has been more like 25….
That’s a long time to bring a hope in your heart before the Lord and not give up.
This morning in my dear little “Daily Strength for Daily Needs”, I find someone who lived a long time ago who must have felt this way. The author of the quote is someone named George MacDonald. He suggests that in these kinds of seasons, we “fold our arms of faith”, but not of action.
The antidote is to quietly rest and trust in God while actively working out your faith.
Part of that is the action of prayer, but then part of it is getting up and doing the things of life.
Faith is often worked out in the everyday demands of real life living.
By tending our home and family, serving others with the gifts and talents God has given us in ministry opportunities, and being men and women of integrity and honor in our workplace and communities, we walk out the faith we profess on our knees.
The goal is not just to pass the time when the things of the spirit seem slow in bearing fruit. The goal is to redeem the time as we wait for God to move in answer to the prayers that have moved us.
Are you waiting for a breakthrough?
Remain faithful in prayer and in action.
Are you celebrating a breakthrough?
Hallelujah! Mark this as your fresh and new testimony. Be filled with gratitude as you pour out what God has poured in! Share what God has done with others who are waiting – it gives us encouragement and strengthens our weariness!
Blessings on you, wherever you are, as you journey onward…..<3