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It’s a process…


It all started with squares…and wanting to sit with a group of ladies I don’t normally get to see who knit them.


Walking through the church lobby one night I saw them knitting and chatting…gray heads and red heads and blonde heads…spinning yarn with their hands and their stories…

and I wanted in.

So I went home and dug out my needles, found some scrap yarn and started showing up once a month to knit squares and hand in any I managed to complete since the last meeting.

We have a notebook to sign in and we get to put our number of squares under “wool” or “acrylic”.

I haven’t had this kind of gratification since I saw a neat row of A’s lined down my report card.

And that’s been a while…

They send the squares to Africa where a mission puts them together into blankets for the Aids orphans.

And I was perfectly happy if I had a square or two to turn in each month….until…

Someone showed up with the baby blanket she was making…

and then she made a hat for her granddaughter…

and I got the fever…


Bigger projects meant facing a learning curve.

And learning curves mean mistakes…



and after a while the stakes get higher and tearing out a whole project and starting over every time gets old…

So I would phone a friend and she would let me drop my mess off at her office.

Sometimes she fixed it on the spot and sometimes she would take the bag and return it to me a few days later.

But the more I knit, the more I figured out how to fix some of my simpler mistakes…and I even began to catch some of them as I am making them.

Which is kind of awesome…


and gives me confidence to attempt even greater challenges…



It is the same in this journey of faith.

Baby steps…

sometimes faltering…

making mistakes and starting over…

getting help and counsel….

growing and beginning to recognize error before I have to backtrack…

leads to a deeper growing of faith…

that sometimes has me faltering…

and seeking help and counsel…

to face greater challenges…

with deeper faith…

a process…


woven together by God’s design.

We work out…


our salvation…

by trial and error and perseverance.

By facing each new challenge of faith with the intent to finish it.

With a little help from our friends and a lot of help from our God.

Not out of fear of losing salvation, but out of love for the Giver of our salvation.

No quitting.

No ripping it out and walking away.

Steadfast and faithful…



journey onward <3



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  1. Love this… God doesn’t give up on us..he takes us where we are.. Leads us step by step.. Walks beside us as we grow and change…So well said.. Faith and relationships

    1. Thank you Teresa! Yes He does. Our sermon was last Sunday was Jesus as Giver of the Holy Spirit and how He comes alongside us and when we fall, He picks us up. This has been my experience and I know it is not unique…all who walk with Him over the years find it to be true. Through the process, He is always our Helper!

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