Faith like a child
Last night this little fellow went to a class with his mommy….sorry for poor picture quality but he doesn’t stand still….
He is showing me his shaker he made.
He also pointed out the eyes of an owl he colored and this masterpiece….
He wasn’t bragging or boasting.
He was just delighted with what had happened with some crayons and paint and paper and his mommy.
And he wanted to share it all with me.
He leaned over and pointed and grinned.
And while our boast is in the Lord. And while tooting our own horn is frowned upon.
I still think your heavenly Father delights to see you hold up something you worked on, an experience you shared, a project you completed and grin up at him…point to it…dance around a little bit…marvel at what was accomplished …. all for His delight.
He calls us His children…He bids us come with faith like a child….
when we accomplish something we worked hard on, let’s invite Him into the celebration!