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In the blink of an eye…

Glad you dropped by today…IMG_3432although…you may feel like one of those helpless guests that used to get roped into a dinner that was followed by vacation slides…if you are as old as me,  you know what I am talking about.

Now we just view them on people’s phones, right?

Or on the blog site, downloaded from the phone….so if you feel like joining me….here we go…

This weekend we made a trip to….IMG_3417The home of the Texas Longhorn…

because somebody very special has the same birthday as…IMG_3509

IMG_3584the U. S. of A.

So while “ya’ll” were celebrating Independence day…we were celebrating John’s 25th.

Doing things like taking selfies…IMG_3478 IMG_3480      IMG_3522and exploring Grape Vine, Texas…IMG_3437


Where they take the Fourth…IMG_3458

and Texas…IMG_3443

and grapes…IMG_3441very seriously.

We had lunch here…IMG_3430went to a ballgame here….IMG_3521



Saw an old friend….IMG_3535IMG_3523


and  then….it was over…..


25 years or 36 hours…..

for a mom….they fly by.

But isn’t that what joy is?IMG_3412a gazillion individual, tiny drops that make up an ocean.

My heart…overflows….IMG_3388


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