It’s beginning to look a lot like anything but Christmas around here

While others are humming Christmas tunes and decorating their homes….


I am sorting through what appears to be every single school paper from every single year for every single child in our family and humming the line from Michael W. Smith’s song Friends…

the line about packing up the dreams we planted…in the fertile soil of  youth.

That part.

Because after twenty years almost to the day, we will be carting all of our stuff

plus the accumulated treasures gained from that fertile soil

plus assorted inherited  heirlooms of extended family

plus a ridiculous number of books because apparently one of us has a problem….

and we will be moving it to a new house that better suits who we are today.

Two days before Christmas.

One day before Christmas Eve.


I know.


The whole process has been working fairly quickly and well for us.

Which is extremely helpful because with the move and our grief over dad and just all the other parts of life in 2016 gleaned from one disturbing or sad report after another… I run the gamut of emotions on a cycle that is somewhat like a ceiling fan.

On high speed.

So when I said in earlier posts that I am taking a different approach to Advent this year, I truly meant it.

Without all the extras of preparing our home and food and hoping to have some people over for different holiday events,  I find my heart truly stripped down to the bare bones of what Christmas is to me.


It is interesting how much the preparations have consumed my time in the past. I can see that now that I am not doing them.

Part of me misses them terribly and part of me feels lightened immensely.

I love all the lovely parts of the season, don’t get me wrong, but to be side-lined this year from participating in the rush of it all is giving me a different perspective.

And ….


I look forward to meeting you here each day.

I will be respectful of your time…you have a lot do and so do I.

Including decorating this little fellow…


because even when you are moving…you still have to have a tree.

The countdown from past years have been daily…we shall see if that happens this year.

I may be popping by over the weekend or I may see you Monday….until then…be blessed…be refreshed in the Word…be assured that you are thought about and prayed for and loved    <3




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  1. Wow, Laura, more grief and loss! Praying you feel the loving arms of Father holding you tight through all of this. And want you to know you bless me!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Oh my…God is so good. Feeling comfort from half a world away this morning <3 Thank you so much. Yes, the last few years have been a season of many blessings and then deep grief and loss. Feeling those loving arms and prayers. Thank you for your kind words

  2. Congratulations on your move. I hope you will let me know your new address so we can keep in touch with a Christmas card. Since retirement I have actually sent some out! Anyway, I know the craziness of moving so you will be in my prayers (especially the letting go of things). When we moved here I took a picture of the many papers from the kids school days and got rid of the ones I could. Of course, I still have plenty downstairs in a bin. Don’t tell John!

  3. We should all take time to pause and reflect about the direction we’re going in at this time of year. Maybe it’s something we should all do, hang onto things loosely. What would we leave behind what would we take with us.

    1. Such a profound truth, but sadly unless God allows me to be stripped of them…I am not prone to initiate the letting go. He is a good, good Father…isn’t He? <3

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