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Just be real

It’s Monday morning, and the whole week stretches ahead…

2010 09 04_0487I like to take a look at the calendar and make a rough draft of what commitments are already penned in. Then I add whatever tasks need to be done, and any projects I would like to have time for.

And quite honestly, as organized as all of that sounds, I know most of it will not happen or at least not the smooth, efficient way it looks on paper.

I basically do the same thing every morning of the week. I am a list maker and I love, love, love checking things off the list.

But none of the lists happen until….

IMG_0944and it’s not because I am so good and disciplined and godly.

It’s because I start out every day pretty much overwhelmed and scattered, needing direction and guidance and focus.

So before I write anything that God has taught me from His word or through the words of those who love Him, I usually have to pour out what is swirling around inside me…and it isn’t fancy or pretty or neat…like one day last week here is what it sounded like….

Lord, my heart is so weary and broken this morning. I have nothing. No reserves. Nothing. All that I have is drawn from You. I guess it’s really always that way – but I surely do notice it today. Like a starving beggar I sit at Your table this morning. To say that all I have is Yours and to know that all You are is mine…seems a very unfair trade. You surely are a good God to love a mess like me. Thank you <3

Now I can tell you that whatever was going on that precipitated that outpouring was treated and tended and filled with His goodness and love. Reading on in my journal that day reveals His faithfulness in providing words of encouragement, comfort and love.

We can pour out all of our thoughts and struggles, fears and doubts, AND our joys and excitement, hopes and dreams to Him.

Just be real with Him, for He most assuredly is REAL for you and me <3

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And His mercies. New. Every morning.

I am so thankful <3

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