Some stuff…
It’s Friday…YAY!!!!
So here are some things to cap off the week…
First…I never did address the sermon from Common Threads.
I have listened to it three times. ( It’s a good one and it’s on spirituality, but every time I listen all I do is cry and thank God our kids were raised in a church that stands on God’s word and lives what they preach.
So…listen for yourself.
You will be blessed <3
And yes…the “John, that would be Reimer” is ours <3
Second…I spent the day yesterday with…
so…you know…
best day ever…
except someone …
didn’t take his nap…
So while I did some things for his mommy, he bwilded…or builded as you might call it…
and chatted and explained his creation of a little home for some of his animals…
and then it got kind of exciting because…
Out of nowhere, he hollered for me to look and see that the whole thing had been surrounded by a pack of animals.
They were planning to attack it, or so he said.
And I thought…how like life.
I totally know how the critters in the little house feel.
Surrounded and out numbered and trapped.
Helpless and hopeless.
I ran some things upstairs and when I came back, things had improved dramatically…
I truly believe the child will be a preacher some day…because he literally said…
“Look Lola. The animals thought they were going to destroy my house but I pushed them away with my own hands. I used my own hands, Lola, and I made them go away.”
When I am surrounded, I can use my own two hands…to fold in prayer and to raise in praise…to open wide and receive God’s blessings…to grab hold of the hem of His garment…to hold tightly to His Hand of grace, mercy and provision and then…to stretch out and help others…
and seen no more…
God bless you this weekend!
You and God, you’ve got this!
Journey Onward in victory!
God wins <3