The Great Belonging <3
Our little guy starts school in just a few short weeks, and we are trying to cram in all these things we thought we would have tons of time to do.
Last Thursday was my day with them and I was going to cover soccer for the older two.
We showed up on time with water bottles and cleats and enough energy to win two world cups. But after several lightening flashes ushered in a fine summer storm, the young instructors officially canceled that day’s camp.
Rachel had take the two little ones to the local children’s museum, so we skirted across town to join them.
I got them checked in on their family pass and then forked over a nice little sum of cash to cover the 90 minutes I would spend there.
I tried to reason that I would pay that much for a salad at O’Charley’s and how it was a way for this great place for kids to keep functioning…but still.
It was my second trip there in a short time and it felt like a kick to have to pony up yet again.
When I got home that night, I scrolled through photos and videos on my phone and shared our day’s events with Russ.
Imagine the look on my face when he asked me if I had remembered to take my membership card with me, or were they able to look me up in the system.
We are members of this Children’s Museum.
If I knew that, I completely forgot.
Turns out Rachel had known as well…and had told the front desk I had a membership…but they took my money and gave me a ticket to enter because…
I told them I needed to pay and so they obliged me in what I believed.
Besides cueing an extreme anxiety attack about the possibility of memory loss in this already slightly scrambled head of mine…I was struck with an idea to share with you.
I am a card-carrying member of a group and I was acting like a paying guest.
I belong….BELONG…to the family of the Children’s Museum because a membership was purchased for me and I have been acting like a visitor on a temporary pass.
And I can not help but think that describes me in my faith walk sometimes.
Less each year, mind you…but still…old mindsets…ruts in my thinking…that somehow I need to pay a little something to gain entry to what was purchased for me on the Cross.
I can sometimes forget that I stand justified before God because the Blood of Jesus Christ gives me full access to the Father, who loves me.
I don’t have to enter the throne room on a guest pass…I am a member of the Body of Christ because of Christ. Because I have received my membership through Him.
I am not just visiting Christianity.
This is where I live and Christ lives in me.
Of course, this analogy falls a bit short…as does all human experience…because next year my dear husband will renew our membership with a nice check to the museum.
But my membership in the Body of Christ, was one and done…on the Cross…forever.
And this knowledge fills me with Joy..and Hope…and a longing to know my Savior more. To give Him access to more areas of my life so that I can live more fully in belonging to Him.
This year I have been trying to focus on the concept expressed in one of my favorite songs that basically says…how about if you just started living like you are the beloved child of God that you say you are?
How about if you really started pressing in to Me when you are grieving and how about if you started trusting Me with everything?
How about if you lived like I was really, lovingly, taking care of the things that concern you and the things that concern those you love?
Or as the song goes…
Go ahead and live like you’re loved. It’s ok to act like you’ve been set free…Hawk Nelson
I have trouble with that sometimes…a guilty conscience that weighs me down instead of recognizing the blessing of conviction-that-leads-to- repentance-that-leads-to- forgiveness cycle of sanctification.
Of God-focus instead of me-focus.
I wonder how you all are doing with that.
Are you living like members or guests in the Beloved?
If you have received Christ as your payment, you belong.
I hope and pray we will daily live that truth out <3
It is truly a joy of fellowship to encourage and help each other to remember that we are loved and that we belong.
Be blessed today as you celebrate the fellowship we have as members of the Body of Christ…
be kind to one another as we…
you and I…
journey onward <3
This so hit home for me today! I have been doing a study in the beatitudes and my thoughts and prayers have paralleled yours here.. You state it so eloquently yet so matter of factlytoo! I so appreciate your ministry ! May God continue to bless you and so many others who are changed and transformed by your writings! ❤️
Thank you for confirming God’s voice in what I wrote today Teresa <3 He speaks through the little life lessons around us, doesn't He? I receive that blessing as well...amen and amen <3