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Big day in our world


Cause this crazy little man is starting his first day of preschool….



and it wasn’t so long ago….


That Lola dropped his mommy off at Mt Calvary Lutheran Preschool and sat in the parking lot bawling her eyes out…..

I remember writing on a piece of paper that day, basically…..

“You are entering an arena where I will not be a constant observer. You are starting out on your journey and much of it will happen outside of our influence and ability to protect and support and even know about.”

And so it goes…the continuation of separation held in the strongest of bonds…the bond of LOVE.



No….and nothing like the love of your mommy and daddy, and Gammy and Papa, and Uncle John, and Tia and Tio and all the blood relatives and heart relatives that surround you with our prayers.

But most of all, no greater love than the love of the One who blessed us to know you, dear Graham <3

Happy First day of School Gdawg….we love you <3



And if THAT wasn’t enough….


our Sarah will be at the Sheldon in St Louis tonight for the CD release show with Letter to Memphis!


So all in all….a very big day <3


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