Love is….
Our plane landed back in God’s country around 4:30 PM yesterday. We were supposed to meet Rachel and the boys somewhere for pizza as Zach had a small group gig to attend.
Of course, we were checking our phones as we walked toward baggage claim. No text communication had been sent with the meet up details and then I heard Russ exclaim, “THERE THEY ARE!”
Sure enough, on the other side of the glass wall that separates TSA land and the world we love…two figures in Illini shirts were jumping up and down holding big pink Valentine signs….a light pink one for Papi and a dark pink for Lola….
Now while we can see the diplomacy on the eldest grandchild’s face, my phone captured the intent of adoration of ….
who promptly came to me and took away my Valentine so that HE could….
it seems our little Emmett esteems his Papi and wanted to make sure he was able to give him a Valentine…and hey, Lola has one….so mine was whisked away and bestowed upon Papi…
and I didn’t mind one little bit.
In fact, I have loved zooming in repeatedly on that little face gazing with such adoration at this man I love so dearly.
I have to say, Emmett has good taste and is wise in discerning quality and character <3
I think of the love God has lavished on me and how it must delight Him when I spread that love to those He loves.
And He loves the world…not the THINGS of the world…but the people He sent His Son for.
Every day God sends me signs of His love and I think it delights Him when I take them and give them to others.
He is speaking to you, too…sending you signs and cards and delights to show His love…so feel free to pass them along.
“…because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5 ESV
Love, love, love this!
So glad <3
Laura and Russ, such a cute picture of kids giving their valentines. Love it
Thank you <3