
Vacation Recap Take 1

Day 1 started sooooo early.

We had to catch a 4:20 shuttle from the hotel and as I was getting ready, I hoped the kiddos were not oversleeping…but no…our adjoining door opened and in spilled four little travelers, up and dressed and ready for adventure.

The flight went smoothly and we were delighted that a couple of years maturity had helped our Sweet Caroline. She didn’t even flinch when the cabin pressure changed at random times and they all did great.

Our first stop was Sedona, where we ate a yummy late lunch and took in the sights of this little town.

We learned the locals like to name their rock formations and while we argued that we saw Snoopy in two different formations, it was fun to see such an array of God’s creation and the warmth of the sun felt good to us as we had left home wearing winter garb.

Russ had arranged for us to take a “Pink Jeep” Tour.

If you are in the area and this is something you might consider, we highly recommend it.

Our guide, Phil, was a many-years experienced fellow who had to leave doing similar tours in Denali National Park during Covid. He just got hired back so we were among the last to enjoy his humor and knowledge of the geology, geography, botany, and even history of indigenous people and the area around Sedona.

It was a great day of “home-schooling” for all of us and the kids were having so much fun they didn’t even realize they had just had a full afternoon of classroom instruction.

The ride itself was a hoot.

We weren’t sure how the little ones would do but the laughter from the back was reassuring…

The jeeps cruise at a clip over large rocks and creek beds.

We picked up a fair amount of red clay dust on everything but the inside of our water bottles….

Imagine what our rental cars looked like as the kids piled in for the ride to Flagstaff…that’s why we rent…hee hee.

We learned that the Pink Jeep story started with a man associated with the film industry that had been drawn to this area to make the “westerns” back in the day. He bought some land and had in mind to sell it.

On the weekends he would take prospective customers out in a jeep to see the land. Turns out the jeep ride was the draw and more and more people acted interested but no one was buying the land. After a trip to Hawaii with his wife, she suggested he paint his jeep pink and charge people for the trip.

Thus the “Pink Jeep” tours began. It has changed hands and become quite a business..but what a fun way to see how God changed a man’s plans to provide so much fun for so many people <3

Our guide had so many stories like this to share about the area and…

turns out among all the other skills of Phil, he is a decent photographer as well…

All in all…we give Sedona and the Pink Jeep Tours and Phil five stars and two thumbs up each…which is like 16 thumbs up!

best. day. ever.


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